



Guardian Gateway Oracle Reading

In my Gateway Guardians Club, I give members intuitive readings on our monthly call using my Guardian Gateway Oracle Cards.

Today, I’m sharing a written mini-reading for the whole Guardian Gateway community:

Guardian Gateway Oracle Cards for today

Card 1: A Transformation Skill you need right now...

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Express Your Truth with the Help of a Dragon Guardian

(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)

The world needs to hear your personal truth.

In every area of your life, you need to be able to get in touch with your true voice and express it out into the world. When you can do that in every situation, your life will begin to ...

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Be Your Own Fairy Godmother

(If you prefer listening, you'll find this topic on my podcast too!) 


I was recently driving past my old elementary school when the inspiration for this blogpost came to me.

The kindergarten classes in my old school are right at the front, and they have a separate little playground just for the...

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Connect to the Earth's Love

(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)

Look out a window. Everything you see is held in place and supported by the Guardian Being that is the Earth.

We don’t just live on the Earth; we actually live in it.

The Earth feels to me like a gigantic Guardian Angel that I li...

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Reconnecting with the Dreams that Light You Up


Center yourself in your heart and think of a time when you felt fully alive, fully engaged, and filled with life. That was a time when you were showing up all the way.

That's what our dreams and visions do.

They show us how to bring all our energy, love, and life force into the world, blessing ...

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Stabilize and Rise with Your Guardian Angel

(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!) 


When you’re focusing on the things that scare you, your personal vibration is one of fear and resistance, and when you’re  attracting from that vibration, what you tend to attract are more things that cause you to be fearful.

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Using the Magic of Your Intention


(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!) 

When you bring the power of your own intention to your experiences, you create a gateway for positive energy, embodying the frequency of the higher outcomes you choose.  

Instead of passively showing up and reacting to situati...

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Vibrational Remedies for Challenging Times


(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)


Just as there is a solution to every problem, there is an evolved, higher-vibration version of everything in your life right now. 


And the more you consistently raise your own vibration, the more you’ll find yourself comi...

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Reclaim Your Spark and Let it Light Your Way


(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)


The things that light you up and spark a fire within you—your personal passions—are vitally important because they are the keys to claiming your spiritual gifts and fulfilling your soul purpose.


So what sparks you?



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Guardian Words for Expansion

(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)


Words hold energy, and we can connect to the energies of Expansion— and raise our vibration— by mindfully using words.


So today we’ll use 3 words to raise our vibration as we step into the energy of Expansion, and our first ...

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Why I Don’t TRY to Love Myself

 (If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)


Why don’t I try to love myself?


Because it doesn’t work!


But I know I need to love myself in order to bring my heart’s desires into being…


…and I know that coming from a strong foundation of self-love empowers me to...

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Open to New Possibilities with the Unicorns


(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)

It’s easy to develop a kind of tunnel vision as we go through life.

We tend to stay focused on the same old things.

But there are so many more possibilities out there!

And the more possibilities we are open to, the more easil...

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