Why I Don’t TRY to Love Myself

(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)
Why don’t I try to love myself?
Because it doesn’t work!
But I know I need to love myself in order to bring my heart’s desires into being…
…and I know that coming from a strong foundation of self-love empowers me to be a powerful force for Good in the world.
So I’ve developed a different approach to self love, and it starts with changing our deep-down beliefs about loving ourselves.
We don’t grow up being taught that loving ourselves is a priority.
So our first step is to:
Step #1
Recognize that loving yourself serves the world.
I’ve come to believe that loving ourselves is a spiritual path in and of itself. Think of it this way: Loving yourself brings you into alignment with the Guardian Beings who are waiting to help you fulfill your soul purpose.
The more love you feel, the more powerful you are.
And to be a truly powerful force for good in the world, we have to extend the love we feel to include our own selves.
Step # 2
Instead of trying to THINK your way to self-love, start connecting to Love as an energy field that you can step into.
My breakthrough came when I started approaching the subject of loving myself NOT from a mental standpoint, but instead by connecting to the ENERGY of love.
Love is the energy that powers the universe –it’s at the heart of everything, including the cells of your body.
So now close your eyes if it’s safe, and connect through your feet to the love flowing up to you from the earth.
Let that love become your foundation. Feel it as it rises and surrounds you with safe, nourishing space.
Feel source love shining into the top of your head, filling you and harmonizing with the energy of the earth all around you.
Now tune in to a sparkling inside you.
At the center of each one of your cells is a spark made out of pure love.
Focus on this sparkling love and feel it growing brighter within you.
Feel it within every part of your body, and every part of your being.
Feel the energy of your heart becoming warmer and stronger as this sparkling continues to increase inside you.
Feel the energy of the love inside every cell shining brightly, in a special way.
The energy field that is created by each spark of love inside your cells STAYS inside you.
Instead of flowing out onto another person or animal in the world, the energy of these trillions of cells shines within you and stays within you, growing stronger and more powerful as you bring your awareness to it.
Stay grounded into the Earth’s love and you open to this new awareness of yourself.
Open your eyes and look around, still feeling the energy of love shining powerfully inside you now.
There’s nothing mental that you need to add to this activation.
Your conscious connection to the energy of love you hold within will begin to transform you and your life from the inside out.
Step #3
Create a daily practice of stepping into an energy field of Self-Love
I know you want to bring positive change to the world around you—either through the work you do, or just through your way of “being” in the world, and learning how to actively, consistently engage with the energy of self-love will help you create a life that’s aligned with your own soul purpose, a life that fits who you truly are on a deep level– a life that uplifts the world.
But it takes some consistent effort to replace the negative messages we’ve absorbed, and build a strong new foundation on which we can fulfill our dreams.
You’ve got one practice now, the activation you just read.
And I’ve put 2 more practices into a free pdf for you: my How to Connect with the Energy of Self-Love Daily Guide.
Inside my guide, you'll get another uplifting yet simple daily practice that will help you connect with the living energy of love.
And you'll also learn how to create your own 'House of Self-Love,' a powerful activation that will surround you with supportive, nurturing energy every day.
I’ve also put in some practical tips to make it easy to integrate self-love into your daily routine.
Go to https://www.kimwilborn.com/love to get your free Connect to the energy of Self-Love Guide now!
Remember, loving yourself is your natural state, and the energy of people who are loving themselves creates a beautiful energy field that supports and uplifts everyone around them.
I’m seeing you loving yourself, and I’m seeing your life changing in wondrous ways!