Guardian Word of the Week: Whole

This week’s word is a particularly useful tool.
A few days ago one of my sisters gave my elderly dad a new phone. Yesterday morning he woke up early and worked himself into a tizzy trying to use the unfamiliar features on the new phone.
I woke up feeling stressed and overworked, and seeing him in such a fragile state just knocked me more off center. After I helped him with the phone and raised his spirits, I went back to my usual morning routine feeling kind of shaken-up.
Then I thought of our Word of the Week: Whole.
I took a deep breath, let it out, and felt my shoulders relax as I silently repeated the word. With each repetition, I felt my energy become stronger, more stable, and more “right” as the living energy of Wholeness filled my being.
Sometimes when we’re shocked or unpleasantly surprised, our energy becomes fragmented and we feel shaky and unbalanced. And when we’re worried about a situation, part of our energy gets used to create imaginary negative outcomes.
At these times, the Guardian energy of this week’s word is so powerful; just by saying it a few times you can begin to call back your scattered energy. When that happens you can feel the difference right away!
Consider repeating the word to align with the energy of Wholeness every morning from now on. Think of it like a vitamin, and use it to become and stay in a state of wholeness from which you can create the visions of your heart.