Guardian Word of the Week: Thank-You

Gratitude is the energy of receiving and having, and this week our Guardian Word is “Thank You.”
When you say, “Thank You” you align yourself energetically with all the goodness in the world, and that goodness shows up in your life in the form of an expanded variety of things to love.
But “Thank you” is one of those phrases that can powerfully trigger thoughts of its opposite.
Have you ever really, really wanted something for a long time and then finally received it? Your personal vibration might continue to hold some of the energy of not having.
Your thanks might contain a tinge of fear—in the knowledge of what it’s like to not have the thing, and the possibility that you might return to that state of not-having.
For example, I am so grateful to live in a marina, where I can sit on my dock or look out a window and connect to the Spirit of Water all day long.
I’ve lived on the water for five years but the view never gets old, and I still remember what it was like to yearn for this place, while fearing I might never get to experience it. After all, it was so much more magical than any other home I’d ever had, and even after I got here I could detect inner feelings of, “It’s too good to be true!” or “It’s too good to last.”
I’ve learned to deal with this by expanding the focus of my Thanks. Instead of just being grateful for my home on the water, I say, “Thank you” to the Universe and the Earth Soul for the fact that homes on the water exist.
Can you feel the difference? To me, it feels so much more expansive!
Try it for yourself now. Think of something that’s very important to you, and say, “Thank you.” Now give thanks to the Source within all things (and the Universe itself) not only for the existence of the thing you’re grateful for, but all things like it.
Expand yourself past gratitude for your particular child, and give thanks that having children is something that exists in our world.
Expand past being grateful for your home, and give thanks that homes (in general) exist.
Expand past saying, “Thank you” for your health, and give thanks for the existence of Health, itself.
See what I mean?
This week, say, “Thank you” as often as you can, and each time you do, feel yourself aligning with the expansiveness of the world, and the breathtaking generosity of Life.