Guardian Word of the Week: Safe

Words hold energy, and we can connect to the energies we choose by mindfully utilizing words. Starting today I’ll offer a new word of the week every Sunday.
We’ll start with a word that represents one of our primary desires: Safe.
Try this now: close your eyes and say the word, “Safe” silently to yourself. Use your fingers to count as you say it mindfully ten times.
Open yourself to the energy embodied within the word, and notice what you feel in your body as you continue to say the word, “Safe.”
Avoid the temptation to analyze the word. This is not a mental exercise. Instead we are consciously and deliberately aligning ourselves with the energy of Safety and making it a part of ourselves.
By mindfully engaging with this word, we can begin to embody the energy of Safety ourselves.
And we can do it together.
I’ve created a special Wallpaper image you can download as my gift to help you engage with the word, “Safe” over the next seven days. (There’s also a journal sheet pdf to help you record your experience with the word, and you can sign up below for instant access.)