Guardian word of the Week: Comfort

This week I’d like to invite you to open your heart to the energy of Comfort.

The energy of Comfort can enfold us in its living presence any time we ask, and after the year we’ve had, we ALL need to be comforted!

When I Googled the word this is what came up (from Oxford Languages):
1. A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
2. The easing or alleviation of a person’s feelings of grief or distress.

We need both right now, and as we access the energy of Comfort for ourselves, we bring it more fully into the world at large.

Say it to yourself now:

As you mindfully engage with the energy of comfort, you might find that you’re more strongly connected to the Guardians who are actively creating and holding a space a space of love and comfort for you.

Relax into that space and allow yourself to receive all the comfort, support, and love the Universe holds for you. Do it not only for yourself, but on behalf of all living things!


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