Guardian Word of the Week: Belonging

Engaging with last week’s word (Self-Truth) has prepared us for this week’s Guardian Word of the Week: Belonging.
What was the first thought that came into your mind when you read the word Belonging? Did that thought have a corresponding feeling somewhere in your body?
My first thought of my immediate family. Then when I checked in with my body, I couldn’t find a corresponding feeling—my internal energy concerning “Belonging” felt like it was all in my head.
So I set about to engage with the word more deeply. Focusing my attention on my root chakra at the base of my spine, I said the word slowly ten times, while mindfully connecting to the energy of Belonging. (I’ve emphasized energy here because it’s vital that we connect to the energy of each Guardian word, and not just the idea of it.)
I felt myself spontaneously letting out a deep breath, and my shoulders relaxed. I felt roots—like those of a plant—spreading out from me and down into the Earth. I experienced magical-feeling, sparkling energy rising up all around me, and I found myself smiling.
This was all totally unexpected, and I’m so glad that I was inspired to engage the energy of Belonging from my root chakra rather than my head.
This is truly a magical energy we are engaging this week, and I can’t wait to hear about your own experiences with it!