Connect to the Earth's Love

(If you prefer listening you'll find this topic on my podcast too!)

Look out a window. Everything you see is held in place and supported by the Guardian Being that is the Earth.

We don’t just live on the Earth; we actually live in it.

The Earth feels to me like a gigantic Guardian Angel that I live inside of—a Guardian Being that nourishes and supports all life.

As you read this post, it’s my hope that you’ll learn how to deepen your own experience of the Earth as a living, conscious being—and that you’ll begin to have your own personal, unique relationship with that being.


Connecting with the Earth


Let’s begin by connecting with the Earth in a mundane yet powerful way. If you can scoop up a handful of dirt, do it now, and if you can’t, then scoop up a handful of dirt in your imagination.

First, feel the texture of the Earth between your fingers. Now go deeper, and tune in to the energetic signature of the Earth in your hand. When I do this, I automatically feel a heart connection spring forth.

If you haven’t already, connect through your heart to this Earth in your hand. Hold it to your heart, and come into attunement with it. Let your new relationship with this piece of Earth extend to all the soil covering the planet.

Now, either physically or in your mind’s eye, place the Earth with great care in a special spot on the ground outside. Set an intention to remain in attunement with the Earth in the form of this soil, and let this new relationship support you and bring you comfort every time you think of it.


The Sacred Balance of Earth


Part of being connected to the Earth is staying aware of your own patterns and rhythms. When you wake up in the morning, do you feel fully in your body, or are you in a somewhat disconnected state?

Take a deep breath now, and as you do, connect to the physicality of your body. Feel the energy and love of the Earth in your feet, in your lower legs, in your thighs, in your pelvis, in your abdomen, in your chest, in your shoulders, in your arms, in your hands, in your neck, and in your head.

Feel the energy of the Earth in every part of your being. What does it feel like to you? Turn your attention inward, and tune in to your own internal patterns. How does the energy within your body naturally want to flow?

The Earth is literally the stable foundation we stand on, but it is also a flowing, dynamic presence that we can align with to reach a state of balance within ourselves.

Connect to the living presence of the Earth within you now, and allow your body to come into a state of sacred balance. Return to this state of balance as often as possible, and remember that the Earth is always sending you love!


The Spirit of the Earth in Objects


How many times have you felt alone on your path? It’s easy to feel cut off from the support and nurturing that each one of us needs every day, so it’s time to lift the veil and recognize the Spirit of Earth in the things around us.

I believe every “thing” has its own consciousness, and that includes the things we consider to be inanimate objects. I also believe that the consciousness of each thing is on its own journey of evolution. (We go into this subject in depth in Chapter 24 of my book, The Guardian Gateway: Working with Unicorns, angels, Dragons, Tree Spirits, and Other Spiritual Guardians.)

In addition to its other energies, every physical thing around you also contains the Spirit of Earth. That means that the same loving, nurturing energy that you feel when you ground into the Earth under your feet can also be found within the physical objects around you.

Stop and really take this in. Look around and notice the objects that surround you. Really see each thing, and as you do, tune in to the Earth energy within it.

Can you feel the loving presence within the physical form of each thing? Soak it in, and let it uplift you. Then bless each thing with your love.

The energies in the objects around us are made up of many things, but the Spirit of the Earth is always present in each one. As you go through your day today, set aside a few moments throughout the day to notice the things around you and connect to the love of the Earth in each one.

Make this a regular, supportive ritual, a habit that will help you consciously connect to the Earth’s loving energy!

Want more ways to connect to the Earth's love?

Get my book, The Guardian Gateway: Working with Unicorns, angels, Dragons, Tree Spirits, and Other Spiritual Guardians, plus a bonus HERE!

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