Everything you receive is really just an expression of the love the Universe has for you.
This FREE audio Mp3 will help you tap into that truth, know it at a deep level, and open yourself to receive more universal love in the form of experiences you have every day.
Get Your Receiving From Source with Unicorns & Dragons Audio
You'll also receive upcoming free events & giveaways from the Guardian Gateway, including our Guardian Word of the Week.
Being open to receive means living from the love in your own heart, allowing that to be more of a guiding force than the rules
you’ve been taught—and trusting that the Universe loves you.
If you bring yourself back into this place of internal balance, your receiving and giving will be in a state of flow that naturally comes forth from the love in your heart—the love you have for other people, and the love you now have for yourself.
And your life will change in wondrous ways!
I'm sending you love and thanking you for the beauty and love you brought with you into the world!