Book Guardians Resource Page
Thank you so much for helping the message of the Guardians make its way across the world!
New Prizes!!!
1st Prize: One-on-one virtual VIP Day with me!
Regular price: $1,497
Call in by phone or online, with audio recordings for you to keep.
#1) Get in touch with the gifts you're meant to share with the world
#2) Discover the Transformation Skill you most need right now, and develop a plan to apply it to your personal circumstances
#3) Connect to the Guardian Being who can help you create a life that matches your dreams and visions
2nd Prize: One-on-one 30-minute reading from my (one of a kind) Guardian Gateway Oracle Card set AND
Personalized Guided Journey Audio
Regular price: this is not something I offer at any price!
We'll start with a 30-minute card reading then, based on your needs, I'll create a 10-minute personalized guided journey audio recording just for you, designed to help you create your heart's desires.
Call in by phone or online, with audio recordings for you to keep.
3rd Prize: One-on-one 30-minute reading from my (one of a kind) Guardian Gateway Oracle Card set
Regular price: this is not something I currently offer
Discover the Transformation Skill you most need right now and the Guardian who can help you gain this Skill.
Includes a card reading integration sheet to help you make use of the reading.
Call in by phone or online, with audio recordings for you to keep.
I have a new affiliate system, and the Book Guardians who use their affiliate links to recommend the book will all be eligible to win prizes!
Whoever gets the most Book Bonus sign-ups associated with their affiliate link will win First Prize
The person with the second-most sign-ups from their link will win second prize
And the person with the third-most sign-ups from their link will win Third Prize!
The affiliate contest will run all summer and end on August 31.
Winners will be announced September 1,
and prizes will be awarded during the month of September.
Commissions earned in June and July will be paid September 1st,
and commissions earned in August will be paid October 1st
(this is to allow time for refund requests).
I will post a leaderboard in emails
and in our Book Guardians Facebook Group.
Even if you don't win a prize, you can earn a commission of $44 every time someone:
1) Clicks on your affiliate link AND:
2) Buys the book & signs up for bonuses AND:
3) Then buys my Activation Experience Program at the Half-Off price.
(Your affiliate link will track purchases for 30 days after a person first clicks on it.)
How it works:
So if someone clicks on your affiliate link, buys the book and signs up for the free bonuses, and then clicks away, you won't earn a commission.
But if they click on your affiliate link, buy the book and sign up for the free bonuses, then buy the the $47 Program, you'll get a $44 commission.
Please note: it is against our Terms & Conditions to use your own affiliate code when buying a program for yourself.
Oh you are SO sweet, and I really appreciate it!
Just send people to
You won't be eligible for prizes or commissions, but you'll be helping people learn how to connect with their Guardians and express their own gifts, and you are so appreciated!!!
Here are some images and posts you can use to spread the word!
Thank you again for helping the message of the Guardians make its way across the world!
Click here to sign up to become an affiliate
(You'll need the email that you use with PayPal.)
Click here to go to your affiliate dashboard and get your unique affiliate link.
Choose the link that says, "Guardian Gateway Book Sales & Bonuses Plus Discount Activation Experience Offer
Landing Page Link: Book"
Please note: it is against our Terms & Conditions to use your own affiliate code when buying a program for yourself.